Informed Dissent with Leonydus
Writer and cultural/political commentator, Leonydus Johnson, brings common sense, liberty-minded perspectives to a variety of hot-button topics including race, politics, economics, psychology, and religion that dare to challenge the accepted narratives.
Informed Dissent with Leonydus
Episode 23: Emptying the Ocean
Leonydus Johnson
Season 1
Episode 23
We are living through a time period that is the antithesis of The Enlightenment. Every day, our society devolves a little bit more into degeneracy and chaos. The poison is pervasive and it continues to spread. And for the people who see what's happening and are trying to stop it, it often feels like trying to empty the ocean with a ladle.
Order Leonydus's new book, Raising Victims: The Pernicious Rise of Critical Race Theory
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